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List of exporters for the selected product in 2023

Product : 8901 Cruise ships, excursion boats, ferry-boats, cargo ships, barges and similar vessels for the ...

Rows per page
Value exported in 2023 (USD thousand)sortOrderDESCTrade balance in 2023 (USD thousand)Quantity exported in 2023Quantity UnitUnit value (USD/unit)Annual growth in value between 2019-2023 (%)Annual growth in quantity between 2019-2023 (%)Annual growth in value between 2022-2023 (%)Share in world exports (%)Average distance of importing countries (km)Concentration of importing countries
World 79,703,88948,116,3260No quantity 4 141007,0670.09
China 25,114,11724,943,18011,751,615Tons2,1371303131.56,4450.16
Korea, Republic of 16,715,37615,231,2098,791,429Tons1,901-1010218,2250.17
Japan 9,616,4369,464,6780No quantity -9 912.111,0990.23
Italy 5,085,3264,661,24397Units52,426,04127 26.46,2410.56
Germany 3,889,280-660,3481,759,709Tons2,210-3-10-154.96,2270.19
United Arab Emirates 2,469,1341,621,8120No quantity 112 2183.14,8840.9
Finland 2,217,9691,830,562128,239Tons17,2967-6532.87,2240.85
France 2,185,487756,479235,533Tons9,2791724-392.74,1810.41
Denmark 1,894,82490,5921,056,953Tons1,79357 622.47,1670.1
Poland 1,559,070335,667734,482Tons2,123-4-1-3724,770 
Cyprus 1,312,885-164,455629,629Tons2,08525 01.68,7120.19
India 1,121,352-67,2750No quantity -1 251.42,7030.24
Belgium 993,789632,8490No quantity 51 3,1051.21,0870.97
Türkiye 657,679225,503141,208Tons4,6581-24160.83,6370.22
Côte d'Ivoire 628,529124,16173,309Tons8,5743356881,2440.85,2580.2
Philippines 462,224214,462654,069Tons707-7-3200.62,9290.98
Marshall Islands 438,818-8,427,4780No quantity -7 -390.612,0110.19
Indonesia 274,227-529,87183,654Tons3,27816-132410.32,0090.39
Croatia 271,155219,45028,820Tons9,409-1171830.32,7580.66
Netherlands 249,306118,38436,144Tons6,898-10-19410.34010.3
Guyana 230,086-37,2672Units115,043,000   0.34,8731
Taipei, Chinese 218,368118,54565,533Tons3,332-43-2553,3040.31,4080.49
Thailand 189,442-138,01880Units2,368,025-18-5-300.21,4440.24
Kuwait 175,376-11,970215,854Tons812  2650.27,2531
Sources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE and ITC statistics.
The world aggregation represents the sum of reporting and non reporting countries
The data in orange represents mirror figures based on partner data.
The quantities shown in dark green are estimated by ITC. For further information, please refer to the ITC explanatory note.
The quantities shown in light green are estimated by UNSD. For further information, please refer to the UNSD explanatory note.
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